The Basement
The basement floor of the Gardner House Museum contains five exhibits that are open to the public: the stairwell, the grocery store, the hallway, the kitchen, and the primitive tools exhibit.
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The general store reminds us of a time when everything could be bought at the corner store. From tobacco to eggs to soap, you could find everything at the same time in the same place.
The hallway to the tool room has many items that were used in the production of steel by the foundry industries that once were in Albion.
Be transformed to a time when wood was used to cook and actual ice was needed for the ice box.
The kitchen has a wood stove with the table set for dinner.
You will notice all of the different utensils that have come and gone.
The tool room houses tools from all eras. A single paper news press, a canary cage used by miners, and many interesting farming items can be found in this area of the basement.
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